2 min readJun 21, 2023


August 2021 is an important milestone for the MAT team, because this is the time when the first information about the project is released to the community. It’s been almost 2 years and we’re always working to perfect our ecosystem.

And recently, The web3 interest heats up and the surrounding ecosystem increases significantly. Millions of search results about web3 are displayed on search engines within just 1s. However, web3 is still a confusing term for most people. It’s difficult to explain what web3 is and there are always barriers for users to experience web3 apps, especially in the early stage. Probably the simplest and most intuitive way to bring users to web3 is through web3 wallet applications and that’s why the MAT wallet was born. MAT Wallet is a multi-chain non-custodial web3-centric wallet. The following is the function list of the MAT wallet:

  • Securely store, send, and receive digital assets including the native coin and token from popular blockchain platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB chain, Pokadot, Solana …
  • Dapp browser for interacting with Dapp securely and easily
  • Bridge and Swap tokens of multiple networks
  • Display and visualize the Non-fungible token (NFT) assets
  • Built-in marketplace for NFT, especially for GameFi projects
  • Built-in staking mechanism for several tokens from networks
  • Fiat to coin and coin to fiat by p2p and OTC mechanism
  • Light weight and user-friendly UI/UX

MAT wallet is a product of MyMasterWar. It is intended to link products in the ecosystem together, while providing a gateway for users to access web3 easily, especially in the gamefi, defi and socialfi industry.


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Don’t forget to follow our official channels for more information about our ecosystem. Thanks so much and hope all of you have a nice day!


MyMasterWar is a DeFi x NFT gaming ecosystem, with the Free Play to Earn and Profit Sharing model